R-E-D Spells Red

Brooks takes the prize this week for family funnies.  First of all, he stuffed a bead up his nose.  Ben and I, who are highly trained in the use of tweezers, used our redneck tweezer method to remove it from his nose.  As all good country folk, we did first consider the use of duct tape.  Thankfully the bead was so big it did not make it very far up his nose.  Due to the placement of the tread hole, when we tried to get him to blow it out, snot just came out the bead hole.  Lovely.  He of course thought it was really cool.

But the trophy goes to R-E-D spells Red.  Brooks was so proud of the new song her learned at school.  R-E-D spells Red, R-E-D spells Red, I can spell Red, Firetrucks are Red….  After singing the song Ben asked him how do you spell Red?  Brooks:  I don’t know.  So they sang the song again.  Ben enunciated the RED spells Red part.  Ben:  How do you spell Red?  Brooks:  I don’t know.  So it continued for a few more reps before Brooks finally caught on after Ben explained it to him.  I am not sure if he gets it though because in the morning he could sing the song but could not spell red.  Yeap.  He is our very own WonderKid.

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1 Response to R-E-D Spells Red

  1. Jennifer says:

    This is just one more item to prove that Brooks is definately his daddy’s “mini-me”! With any luck, though, when Ben was little and put something up his nose, it was a Fruit Loops that you could just “crunch and blow”! Glad you didn’t have to make a trip to the ER and have all of the people without kids glare at you like you are not good parents!
    As far as him getting the “Red” spelling, pretty soon he will start looking for a hidden meaning in every song he hears. Let’s just hope he doesn’t hear “I’m Sexy and I Know It”!

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